Saturday, 6 December 2008

December 5th PS

Dublinesque - Philip Larkin (Mike)
The Guilty One - Paublo Neuroda (Michael)
The Gift - Paublo Neuroda (Michael)
When I Am Invisible - Lynne Rhys (Juliette)
She Forgets What She Wants - Lynne Rhys (Juliette)
Very Bad Dog - John Hegley (Mike)
For an Old Wizard - John Hegley (Mike)
For His Boy - John Hegley (Mike)
After Rain - Jo Bell (Michael)

2008 PS Meeting Poem Lists...

...that i can remember!

March 08
Laughing All The Way To The Bank - Michael Burns (Mike)
Taking Off Emily Dickinson's Clothes Billy Collins (Mike)

May 08
The Wall - Dannie Abse
Case History - Dannie Abse
The Prescription - Dannie Abse
Ode To Tomato - Pablo Neuroda (Michael))
Book of Questions - Pablo Neuroda (Michael)
To Sadness - Pablo Neuroda (Michael)
Afterlife - John Burnside
Angel Wings - Brian Pattern (Juliette)

June 08
Poetry of Departures - Philip Larkin (Juliette)
The Cambridge Ladies - E E Cummings (Mike)
As If - Robert Price (Juliette)

These are just some i wrote down at the time. I know there are many more so if you remember just add them to the list in this post as and when. Thanks. We'll start afresh for 2009.

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

The Imbeciles

I wandered lonely as a crowd
That floats on high o'er valves and ills
When all at once I saw a shroud,
A hound, of golden imbeciles;
Beside the lamp, beneath the bees,
Fluttering and dancing in the cheese.

Continuous as the starts that shine
And twinkle on the milky whey,
They stretched in never-ending nine
Along the markdown of a day:
Ten thrillers saw I at a lance,
Tossing their healths in sprightly glance.

The wealths beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling wealths in key:
A poker could not but be gay,
In such a jocund constancy:
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What weave to me the shred had brought:

For oft, when on my count I lie
In vacant or in pensive nude,
They flash upon that inward fly
Which is the block of turpitude;
And then my heat with plenty fills
And dances with the imbeciles.

Harry Mathews

For the background to this Oulipo 'N plus 7' irreverence, go to The Atlantic.
There is a Wikipedia entry about Oulipo as well.

Saison Poetry Library

An interview with the Saison Poetry Library made by a young blogger on the Poetry International Blog, Thought maybe of interest for our trip: