Saturday, 6 December 2008

December 5th PS

Dublinesque - Philip Larkin (Mike)
The Guilty One - Paublo Neuroda (Michael)
The Gift - Paublo Neuroda (Michael)
When I Am Invisible - Lynne Rhys (Juliette)
She Forgets What She Wants - Lynne Rhys (Juliette)
Very Bad Dog - John Hegley (Mike)
For an Old Wizard - John Hegley (Mike)
For His Boy - John Hegley (Mike)
After Rain - Jo Bell (Michael)

2008 PS Meeting Poem Lists...

...that i can remember!

March 08
Laughing All The Way To The Bank - Michael Burns (Mike)
Taking Off Emily Dickinson's Clothes Billy Collins (Mike)

May 08
The Wall - Dannie Abse
Case History - Dannie Abse
The Prescription - Dannie Abse
Ode To Tomato - Pablo Neuroda (Michael))
Book of Questions - Pablo Neuroda (Michael)
To Sadness - Pablo Neuroda (Michael)
Afterlife - John Burnside
Angel Wings - Brian Pattern (Juliette)

June 08
Poetry of Departures - Philip Larkin (Juliette)
The Cambridge Ladies - E E Cummings (Mike)
As If - Robert Price (Juliette)

These are just some i wrote down at the time. I know there are many more so if you remember just add them to the list in this post as and when. Thanks. We'll start afresh for 2009.